Okay, so a lot has been going lately. Work has been consuming a good chunk of my time, with a home restoration up in the Garibaldi Highlands as well as constructing a deck at one of the off-the-grid houses in Ring Creek as the other half of the payment for my van, which I've officially been calling 'home' since the 1st of the month. Living in the van thus far has been awesome, but paying for gas to get it up the 3000 foot climb to get to Ring Creek hasn't been so much. Luckily, the work in The Highlands has done a good job of keeping me and my gas tank fed. We both have pretty big appetites.
Whenever I find a bit of free time, I either go out for a skate session or work some ridiculous tricks on the slacklines at Nexum Beach. I haven't been climbing lately because I more than likely have a broken knuckle due to a freak stretching accident. It's nothing to serious, hairline fracture at worst, but it's enough to keep me off the rocks. I have made it out a few times to hang out and take pictures, but mainly I'm focussing on the slacklining or skateboarding as opposed to photographing and blogging. I am blogging now though, because I've gotten some pretty good shot over the past few weeks, as well as found out that overcast days make for perfectly soft lighting in this dense forest.

Last week was stupid hot. On a brighter note, the heatwave finally made it possible to play in the river! Not for to long though, rivers fed by snowmelt and glacier runoff are quite frigid.

And for our parting shot, Joseph. Being silly, or super hungry. I'll let you decide.