Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So today's adventure lead my designated driver, Waylin, and I up to Muscle Shoals to carry large, heavy furniture up several flights of stairs, into an 85 degree apartment for a young couple who was to unappreciative to even shake our hands after all was said and done. It was okay though, seeing as I clocked alot of hours for sitting in a truck, and was able to get some 'good shots' (whatever those are) of Waylin and weeds. I think the weeds were prettier.

Then the sunlight came shining through the trees and after a little tinkering with my settings it became official, Waylin was the ugliest subject matter I shot today! Sorry Waylin, but you ugly!

Off day tomorrow! can't wait to see what I manage to get myself into...


  1. I totally might want a print of the 3rd shot sometime. Gimme some details!

  2. Well, I can get that to ya with a single mat, double mat, or no mat at all in either 4x6, 8x11, or 11x17. I can also do a series of 4x6's like the one of Sloss from the previous post. gimmi a ring or drop me an email letting me know what you're looking for and I'll talk with ya about pricing, that and getting down to the lake again! Hope all's well with the Mezzells!
