I haven't posted anything in a long time, I know. My bad. Life's just been pretty busy lately, that's the excuse I'm giving at least! I am a working man these days, so my free time to play around on the internet competes with my free time to go climbing, longboarding, slacklining, mountain biking, and all the other joys of mountain life. I do sincerely apologize for the hiatus, and I promise to do my best to never let it happen again.
With that said, I guess it's time to play 'catch-up'. My wonderful parents came up to visit briefly last week, so briefly in fact, that I'm pretty certain they were only out here to drop my dog off to me and then leave! I'm just kidding. They bought me dinner before they left. Anywho, Moot's here and he's loving it! I don't really have to many great shots of him yet, but they're coming.
So here's the keepers from the past few weeks...