Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This morning, we woke up, packed up camp and headed down to the beach. Unfortunately, the storms hitting the northern Cali coastline brought in gargantuan waves, making the beachside boulders unclimbable, yet it was still an incredible sight. We spent the better part of 2 hours walking around, watching wave after wave crash against the rocks, snapping several hundred pictures of the whole ordeal. Although our plans of climbing fell through, the morning was still spectacular.

While searching for new angles, I found a nice perch on top of a boulder that stood about 35 feet out of the sand. The angle was amazing, and the shots I was able to get from there were breathtaking. Unfortunately, I misjudged the power of the ocean, and after about 2 minutes of shooting, a wave heaps larger than the others, crashed on my podium, engulfing me and my camera in salt water...

I have since dried, but I am extremely worried about the d300. It might as well have been submerged. I've taken it apart and dried it out as best I could, but I don't see how any electrical device, no matter how well sealed it is, could make it through that situation without at least one drop of moisture getting somewhere it has no business being. Needless to say, I'm scared. Very very scared.

Now I play the waiting game. Waiting until I feel it's safe to put the battery back in and turn on my third eye. 72 hours minimum. The anxiety is killing me, especially as we drive further north on the coastal 101 through Cali, Oregon and into Washington, passing some of the most photogenic scenery I've seen in a long time. This is hard. This is frustrating. I really hope this situation will turn out for the better...


  1. Oh no! I'll be praying that when you put your battery back in - all works as well as before!
    I would HATE not to be able to follow your journey through your beautiful photography!
    Keep us posted.

  2. Will do. Thanks for the prayers! I'm really hoping that the salt water isn't detrimental. I'll keep everyone posted.

  3. Damn dude... that sucks ass. All is going to be alright though... everything will be back to normal in 72 hours.
