Huge move to Dothan yesterday. 3 trucks, 6 people and 2 unload locations. The husband was a neat-freak millionaire, the wife was quiet and clueless, and the woman hired to organize it all was real big turd. Luckily we got it done with minimal incidents and surprisingly, each got a hundred dollar tip!

After that was all done, I allowed Ziggy to talk me into a night of skating and drinking. didn't get any shot's of skating that night, but I got plenty of bar/club shots, and found out that if you take pictures of bartenders, they give you free drinks!

Most of the people who noticed me taking shots of them just kinda smiled and went back to their thing, but not these people, the minute they saw my lens pointed at them, they got all Zoolander on me.

I managed to get a few hours of shut eye before waking up to Ben calling me wondering if I'd come meet up with him at the Hoover Met and take some shots of the pimped out Oakley trailer, so I did.

And after all that excitement, I headed down to First Ave Rocks ready to do some free labour work, only to find out it's time for the holds!!!

You know you're jealous!