Monday, June 1, 2009

This past Sunday Josh, David and Liz hosted a crawfish boil/housewarming/birthday party. If you boil it, they will come... And they did! Infant to elder, boarder to biker and everyone in between gathered in the newly landscaped backyard, complete with a full size trampoline, more food than the counters could hold and enough alcohol for a catholic mass. Not always the best combination, but this time it worked!

Several were hesitant to try the lobster of the south, but just the right amount of peer presure can go a long way. Here's Adam suckin butt for the first time.

Now for some trampoline shots.

More people, more dogs, more crawfish.

Thanks again to Liz and the Howard boys for putting this all together! Can't wait till next year!

1 comment:

  1. little girl on trampoline-very good, dude on trampoline-very cool.
